Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm Not Dead, Just Stuck...

Me doing the "Flamingo Pose." I'm weird, don't ask...

So, you may have noticed that I've been completely out of touch lately. I haven't posted a *real* blog in over a month, sometimes I don't even log into Tweet Deck until the afternoon and I've even gone days without checking my e-mail (GASP)! What's been going on with me? A lot. I'll spare you the details but the short is that I had a staph infection, two allergic reactions to the antibiotics they used to treat the infection, an event I've been planning for four months and another condition that I just found out yesterday will require daily medication and ongoing treatment for at least a year if not more.

Regarding the illnesses, there's not much to say there. They sucked and I complained a lot and was often overwhelmed but c'est la vie. I'd rather not dwell on that and I'm sure you would appreciate that as well.

The event. After all that work and planning, not just by myself but by some awesome volunteers and staff, the event was canceled due to weather the morning of the event. Talk about anti-climactic. The good news is that most of the fundraising was done online and ahead of time so our clients will still benefit. That's what is most important. So far, we think we've raised about $48,000 which compared to the $36,000 raised last year is a miracle--especially for an event that didn't really happen! There are still numbers being crunched (not my strong point) and questions that we're asking ourselves but overall I'm pleased with the outcome.

Speaking of asking ourselves questions, I've been asking myself a lot of questions lately. Many "why" and "what for" questions. I can't say that I've found many answers, or at least ones that I like, but I'm asking anyway. It's confusing and sometimes frustrating but again, c'est la vie.

I am excited about some shows that are on or back on TV now. Not that I have a TV but who needs one when you have hulu, right? I'm in love...with Glee and excited that Grey's is back on. I was a little disappointed in the season premiere of Dollhouse but I'm sticking it out because it was awesome last season! Of course we also have my crime shows: CSI, Bones, Numbers and I have to track down The Closer since TNT won't play on my MAC (Ted Turner is a loser!). I'm too far behind on the Office, Samantha Who and 30 Rock to watch this season but they're wonderful anyway. What shows are you excited about this season?

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