Monday, June 29, 2009

If They're Scary...Twitter Away

Because I’m new to Twitter, I’ve been thinking about how to grow my following and increase the community among those followers. I decided to start by looking at what leads me to follow or more importantly not follow my fellow tweeters. My basic rule is this: If they look scary, run away! Just like when you were kindergarten. That simple. Sometimes I like to say Twitter away but you get the idea. Read below to see some sure fire ways to ensure that I will NOT follow you on Twitter...
1. Inappropriate picture. I don’t even have to click to see your tweets because it doesn’t matter. Girls in bikini’s or even guys without shirts just indicate to me that you don’t have enough content to warrant my time. Respect us and yourself by having a G rated picture, we both deserve that. The two lesser but still alarming warning signs of a "bad tweeter" is to have some weird non-human picture or no picture at all. Easily remedied here, just have to put the effort out

2. Explicit tweets. If you’re profile picture doesn’t set off enough red flags and I actually look to see some of your tweets but see something like this: “I've got a big @# $ that just needs to be slapped around!” It’s over. And yes, that is honestly the one and only *actual* tweet from someone I blocked after they tried following me. Lends the question, if everyone on Twitter is selling something then what are you peddling? Leave that stuff on or “live chat” websites.

3. Sell, sale, sail! If all your tweets are about whatever you’re selling, whatever you have on sale, or simply location updates of where you’re currently sailing through life, that’s not very interesting. You have to find a balance between giving a 20 on your whereabouts and activities and sharing INTERESTING and non self-serving information. I struggle with this. I wonder sometimes, what interesting information do I have to share with people? I just try to be authentic and share what honestly interests me. Try it.

4. RT or @ syndrome. This could also be known as no original content-itis. I completely understand thinking that someone else’s tweet is really interesting and that you want to share that information while also giving credit to the original sharer, but don’t get gratuitous folks. When I see a tweeter with all @blahblahblah @yaddayadda and so on with no information relayed, it’s almost useless. Occasionally pointing out interesting people that you follow, totally different (I think there’s even a think called following Fridays for that) but keep it within reason. Stay true to yourself and share your own thoughts and content too. Again, find that balance between interesting external content, real life and experience, and authenticity.

These are just few things that I thought of off the top of my head. What attracts or repels you from following someone on Twitter or what are you pet peeves?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Interesting Dinner Conversation

Out here in beautiful Lake Tahoe, my family decided to play "Top 5" around the dinner table one evening. If you're unfamiliar with this game (although it's more of an activity), it's where everyone tells their top 5 of something. It can be top 5 favorite books, top 5 places you've been or want to go, top 5 favorite musicians, etc. 

We were discussing what top 5 list subject to do and everyone was throwing out ideas but none were really suiting the entire family (there are 12 of us but only 10 who communicate verbally and then 8 of those are adults). I came up with a new twist to solve our dilemma of finding a subject that everyone would enjoy: freestyle top 5. You pick your own unique subject for your top 5 list. Pretty ingenious I though!

For my top 5 list, I listed the top 5 things that I would like to do in the next few years. Thought I would share them here. Drum roll please...

5. Learn to scuba dive
4. Skydive
3. Go to Africa
2. Buy a house
1. Open an Etsy store

It was really interesting to see not only what was on each family member's list but also what list they chose to make up. It's a really neat thing to do if you want to try it at your next family meal or even a dinner party with friends. What kind of interesting top 5 lists can you come up with? Post your answers in a comment!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Will You Fight the Asian Shark Fin Mafia?

Every cause has it's champion, right? Well, this film has a very unique one: SAVE THE SHARKS! Might sound crazy but give it a chance....

SHARKWATER follows a "photographer and biologist" on his quest to uncover the source of man's fear and unbridled destruction of sharks. His daring coverage of the dark shark fining industry almost costs him his freedom, his right leg and even his life. His thesis that sharks are a vital part of our ecosystem and unjustifiably massacre remains unwavering as he's chased by coast guards from several countries, shark hunters, and the "Asian shark fin mafia." Yeah, seriously. There's an "Asian shark fin mafia" and in Coasta Rica no less.

Although a little melodramatic or lagging in plot points at times, the filmmaker's passion for the subject, the evidence he presents and the statistical support he provides is very convincing and even moving. In the time it took me to watch the film, more than 15,000 sharks were killed and no one is doing anything about it. Well, there are a few renegade fighters but the worldwide community (governments in particular) are sitting silently by.

This thought provoking film has a very interesting message and one that I feel deserves a fair viewing. Hopefully, your perspectives will be challenged by the film and who might be the next warrior in the fight against the "Asian Shark Fin Mafia!"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Is This the Best or Worst Time to Dream?

Sorry I haven't written lately, things have been crazy and I've been a little less than inspired. A dear friend was laid off at work, I moved (primarily by myself), I've had a lot of family and social events so I'm just now settling back down.

I have been inspired lately by two very busy people who blog consistently, Thomas Nelson CEO Mike Hyatt and LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer. If these two have time to blog, I guess I should too. I started following them on Twitter and reading their blogs "for work." As the official blog and tweeter for my organization, I wanted to see some people who know what they're doing to get an idea for what I should be doing. Not only do I find them interesting but it's also an education experience. It's kind of this whole new world that sucks you in. You read one blog which leads you to another, the author of which you decide to follow on Twitter too, and before you know it you're following 36 people and reading most of their blogs--because everyone has a blog right? So, we'll see if this becomes something that I need to scale back and control or if it really is helpful.

Another thing I've been inspired by lately, and am embarrassed to admit, is a new venture I may undertake. Part of me thinks it's a total hair brained kind of thing and the other is just so too pleased to have something creative and that I'm excited about that it doesn't care how silly it is. I've been kicking around the idea of opening an Etsy store. For those of you not familiar with it is "your place to buy and sell things handmade." I found this website several weeks ago and have been enamered with it ever since. My initial thought was to sell my jewelry on Etsy but then I thought, why stop there? I could make everything from jewelry to baby items and household decor! Then it really starts running away with me as I start doing the math on capital, profit margins, and time committment for order fulfillment. My biggest hangup, of course, is the branding. I've probably spent more time thinking of the name, color scheme, advertising, and graphic design aspect of this store than on acutal products. Then again, that's why they pay me the big bucks (or the not so big bucks).
I've taken out all my beads and jewelry making tools, dusted off my notebooks with sketches and ideas, and done pages of brain storming maps (that's just how I think). The above is some of my early work, very early. It's amazing to look at my early pieces and look through my old notebooks, I just see things differently now. There are things that I never thought I would be able to do that are so easy to me now but there are also things I thought I would have all figured out and I still have no idea. I went to Portland over Christmas of my freshman year of college to visit my dear friend April. We went to these adorable stores in downtown Portland (one of my favorite cities in the world) and then we talked over dinner about the "design empire" I wanted to build. I found a notebook with some of the sketches and notes I made on the plane back from that trip. I have "believe in the empire" and "build your brand" written everywhere. I was just sure I would have my own company by now. Really, I had a very rough first semester and glad to latch onto anything that even remotely resembled hope that I wouldn't fail miserably at life. Maybe I'm there again. Not sure where I'm going or what I'm doing and very aware that success isn't easy. It's that place where you doubt yourself and everything that you do. You wonder if you really do have any useful talents or marketable skills and if so, are you using them well.

It's hard to dream. It's hard to believe in yourself and to invest in your own ideas with such unwavering faith that nothing can knock you down or keep you from achieving that dream. I don't know if right now is the worst time or the best time to dream because I don't believe in myself but I also am looking for that glimmer of something creative and bright that I dig into and find that excitment for what I'm doing. We'll have to see. We will have to wait and see...