Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Quit!

Not really but it seems like it...I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. To be honest, I think I needed the break. This has definitely been a season of change for me in many areas of my life and I really feel that I needed to do that on my own and privately. One of the biggest changes that I do want to share with you is a career move.

It's been a difficult decision but Friday is my last day as a full time employee at Hope Clinic. I have another opportunity that will allow me to build my own business freelancing graphic design, writing and consulting on marketing and communications. I am actually taking about 40% of my current position at Hope Clinic with me as my first freelancing client so I haven't completely abandoned my pro-life work!

Although this endeavor is risky, I'm excited about this new phase in my life and hope that the changes I'm making will help me be more available in some other things that I've been neglecting. I'm working on a website and business cards but haven't quite gotten there yet so keep an eye out for that.

I have to admit that I'm kind of scared to step out on my own like this. All those years of low self esteem and fear of failure are coming back and the doubt is creeping in. At least with my new job, I have a base income so I'm not completely dependent on my freelancing but it's still a challenge. Thinking about some of the "small business" things I have to figure out are daunting and almost overwhelming. Will I keep my own books, I need a website and business cards, should I buy a new "work only" computer--PC or MAC? One of the main principles behind this move was simplify but somehow it just seems more complicated.

I'm going to hang in there and give this a try though. I may fail, I may fall on my face but I'm tired of not doing things just because I'm scared. There's no better time for me to make this career move and I'm going to have faith that it works out. Even if I end up looking for a job in a year or even six months, it's going to work out. At least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

Do you have any tips or advice for someone starting their own business?


  1. How exciting! Good luck. Can't wait to hear more about your new adventure.

  2. Congratulations, Mandy!

    I'm sure you were overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. May God richly bless you as you step out.

    You asked for some advice so here's something:

    Three books to buy ... and read:

    Linchpin, by Seth Godin - hot off the press
    Crush It, by Gary Vaynerchuk - listen to audio if possible!
    The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield

    These are a must for someone, like you, beginning something new.

    Go get 'em!

  3. I'm excited for you! Good luck! - JP

  4. I know we have been out of touch, but best of luck to you! Count on my prayers for your new business! That is so awesome. The only advice I have is to create a facebook page for your business... everyone will find out about it there!!

  5. We all are always here to support you.
